
timber frame homes

Houses constructed using timber frames have an excellent value as compared to the ones built with bricks and concrete. The historical architecture is based on these frames. The beauty of these buildings is that you can see the timber creating a unique effect on the building.

Vision Development is the best source to find the required timber for your house. Based in Berkshire, they are known for their craftsmanship and quality materials. They can help you build your timber frame homes or other such architecture at affordable price. Check their website to get more information.

Timber Types

Here are some options in the world of timber to purchase the required material at the best price.

  • Box Frame Timber– Also known as the primary forms of timber, these are available in horizontal and vertical beams. The roods with common rafters are sturdy enough to support any exterior walls.
  • Cruck Frame Timber – Cruck frames are timber pieces that are designed into cross frames. The beauty of these timbers is that they are all carved from the same tree.
  • Aisled Frame Timbers– These timbers are mainly chosen for such structures where there is a requirement for more support from the beams. Hence, the oak garages and broader areas are all constructed with these frames.

Reasons to Choose Timber

Many reasons can make you choose timber as the primary material for house construction. They are listed below.

  • Timber frames are all insulated with thick panels to create enough space. This factor makes it possible for the heat or cold air circulated inside the house to stay within the walls and not leave the space unless you open some windows. Hence, they are also known as the energy-efficient solution.
  • The beams are all sturdy and are designed such that they can last for decades. Hence, they can withstand any kind of external influence from the changing climatic conditions.
  • The timber frames are provided with the right finishing while being designed. Hence, you need not worry about adding any external finishing with the help of some wallpapers, paint, etc. The exposed timber frames create an ambience of you living amidst the natural habitat.
  • The timber frames are connected at the end to keep them in place and support the adjacent frames. This factor offers enough space for your interior decorator to design any room of your house. You can expect the open space areas to be beautifully decorated.

The Cost

When you plan to go with timber house construction, you need to understand everything that comes with it including the cost. You need to look out for everything that follows the house construction, such as the construction material, the furniture and fixtures, the interior decoration, etc. Hence, some websites have developed unique budget calculators to help you with it.

You can list many advantages of choosing timber-framed houses over regular ones. Contact the local timber-frame construction and supplying companies and get quotes for all kinds of timber frame house kits. Go through all the options and make a wise decision.

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